Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Tugas ke 3 softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2

1. The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions _________
A. Because he was afraid it would incriminate him
B. For fear that they will incriminate him
C. Because he was afraid that his answer would incriminate him
D. Fearing that will be incriminated by it.

Jawaban :
A. Style error. There is no antecedent for the pronoun it.
B. 2 style errors. Refused will is an incorrect sequence of tense; There is no antecedent for the pronoun they.
C. Correct.
D. 2 style errors. There is an incorrect sequence of tense; There is no antecedent for the pronoun it.

2. Mrs. Walker has returned______
A. A wallet back to its original owner
B. To its original owner the wallet
C. The wallet to its originally owner
D. The wallet to its original owner

A. Style error. It is redundant to say returnback.
B. Grammar error. When the indirect object precedes the direct object, no preposition is possible.
C. Grammar error. Originally is an adverb and is not correct because it modifies the noun owner.
D. Correct.

3. The hospital owes______for the construction of the new wing.
A. The government twenty million dollars
B. For the government twenty millions dollars
C. To the government twenty million dollars
D. Twenty millions of dollars to the government

A. Correct.
B. 2 grammar errors. It is not correct to use a preposition when the indirect object precedes the direct object; when million is preceded by a number, it cannot be plural (one million, two million).
C. Grammar error. It is not correct to use a preposition when the indirect object precedes the direct object.
D. 2 grammar errors. When million is preceded by a number, it cannot be plural, and when million is preceded by a number and followed by a noun, the preposition of  is incorrect.

4. Sarah_______that she could not attend classes next week.
A. Told to her professors
B. Said her professors
C. Told her professors
D. Is telling her professors

A. Grammar error. Tell must be followed directly by indirect object; there can be no preposition.
B. Grammar errors. It is not correct to follow the verb say with the name of a person or people.
C. Correct.
D. Grammar error. Is tellingcould is an incorrect sequence of tense.

5. The artist was asked to show some paintings at the contest because ______
A. He painted very good
B. Yhey believed he painted well
C. Of their belief that he was an good artist
D. The judges had been told of his talents

A. Grammar error. Good is an adjective and modifies the verb painted; it should always be well.
B. Grammar error. The pronoun they has no antecedent.
C. Grammar error. The pronoun their has no antecedent; an cannot precede a word beginning with a consonant sound.
D. Correct.

6. If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped,ticketed, and
                                    A             B                                  C               
      have to pay a fine.

(D) Should be fined. For parallel structure, all past participles are required.

7. Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because he
                                                            A                                       B
      had an accident on his way to the practice.
       C                                      D

Jawaban :
(C) Should be had had. The past perfect should be used; the accident happened first.

8. A short time before her operation last month, Mrs. Carlye dreams of her daughter
             A                                              B                                         C
      who lives overcast.

(C) Should be dreamed. Use past time because it happened last month.

9. The atmosphere in Andalucia is open, warm and gives a welcome to all who have the good
                                     A                                                        B                       C                 D
    Fortune to visit there.

(B) Should be welcoming. For parallel structure, all adjectives are required.

10. Some of the people were standing in the street watched the parade, while others were
                  A                               B                                C                                    D
      singing songs.

(C) Shoukd be watching. Were standingwatching is correct parallel structure.

Senin, 20 Mei 2013

HERE'S BENEFITS soursop fruit

Who does not know the fruit of this one? Soursop (Annona muricata) is a popular fruit in Indonesia. Soursop tree itself can grow anywhere either watery or with a little water. However soursop still require human assistance during the process of pollination in order to get maximum results.
This white-fleshed fruit, but known it tastes good, its benefits can not be underestimated. Soursop benefits one of which is able to kill cancer cells. Soursop itself contains some important contents such as calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B, and C. The contents of these, of course we all know how great the benefits of soursop fruit.
Soursop Treat Cancer?
There are several publications that support that soursop can help treat a variety of malignant diseases, including cancer. Following them.
1. In 1976, the National Cancer Institute conducted the first scientific research on the benefits of soursop fruit. The result they concluded that the stems and leaves of the soursop can help destroy malignant cells, including cancer cells.
2. Catholic University of South Korea conducted a study on the benefits of soursop and published by the Journal of Natural Products. They had found that the chemical compounds contained in soursop, effective for memnghancurkan colon cancer cells and is 10,000 times as chemotherapy drugs. Besides these chemical compounds known to be selective in choosing the target cells that do not harm healthy cells.
3. 20 laboratory tests as reported by the vine-uk.com found that the content of soursop effective at killing cancer cells but does not damage healthy cells. Noted there are 12 types of cancer, including colon, lung, prostate, breast and pancreatic cancer, the cells can be killed by the content of soursop fruit. Besides the green-skinned fruit is also beneficial boost the immune system and prevent infections.
4. dr Hardhi, Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Medical Doctors Herbal (PDHMI), stating that the soursop contains compounds called polyphenols, saponins and bioflavonoids that act as antioxidants. Unlike the other herbs, soursop does not harm healthy cells, but only kills cells that destroy abnormal cells such as cancer.
5. American Indian tribes including the use of soursop leaves, stems, fruits, and seeds for mengobat various diseases such as heart disease, asthma, liver problems, and arthritis, for 'centuries'.
Research is still needed at least more about the benefits of soursop, soursop can completely replace whether chemotherapy treatment or not. In the end, prevention is better than cure. Yuk, avid consumption of soursop started today!


Many ways on a diet to lose weight. Examples such as sports linger, fitness, and even diet excessive stress can actually make more. But there is an easy and fun way koq to lose weight without stressful. Secret of weight loss is actually a good metabolism performance. Metabolism is the rate that the body's ability to burn food has been consumed. Researchers believe that a good metabolic equivalent results with various diet programs.
If you do not believe, please refer to the people around you that have a proportional body. Most people who have a proportionate body is seldom doing the diet. Good metabolism is the key to success is actually losing weight. Want to have a good metabolism? Here are some fun and easy ways to speed up the rate of metabolism in the body.

1. Laugh
Laughing 100 times but the result is equivalent to a 15-minute energy expenditure with cycling. Laughter is useful to reduce stress hormones and can improve one's metabolic system. It also affects the immune system repair / body immunity by increasing the antibody-producing T cells

2. A cold shower
Researchers say a cold shower can increase metabolism. Low water temperature can cause muscle contraction and body chills, so it can increase a person's metabolism.

Actually, the body will try to return to normal temperature at the time felt the lower temperatures. Then the body would warm up and activate the immune system, thus producing more white blood cells.

3. Eating pineapple
Fact contain substances pineapple bromelain. This substance has a direct function of the digestive system and can help the absorption of nutrients from food. Bromelain in the fruit also improves the function of pancreatic cells to break down food substances, so as to speed up the body's metabolism.

4. Drinking green tea
Studies show that catechin contained in green tea can help boost metabolism and reduce the level of body mass index. Green tea is useful for removing LDL (bad cholesterol).

5. Eating spices
Researchers say the chili can help the performance of the body's metabolism. Capsaicin produced by spicy foods one is able to oxidize fat layer. Spicy foods can also increase heart rate, producing more energy, so that the higher the calories burned.

5 tips above are useful for improving the body's metabolism. But keep in mind, exercise and eat nutritious food remains a critical factor levels of a person's weight. So, stay calm, and stay healthy!

Sumber: http://tipsehat4u.blogspot.com/2012/12/cara-asyik-menurunkan-berat-badan.html

"The liver injury"

why do I feel this again, love without love ...
I'm here standing on liver injury ...
This heart felt so sick ...
as if I could not stand in tuk blowing storm that hit the top of ...
so that the body feels fragile ...
Where will I take this pain??????
until finally I was able to heal and re-arrange my heart ...
let only time will tell ...
and let the wind carry dy gone forever ....

By: Irmawati


friends ....
you are like sunshine
the emergence menyemangatai selalau morning ..

friends ....
you like a cool breeze
The soothing heat of the desert ..

friends ....
you are like a thousand rintikkan rain falls to earth
and watered growing around it ..

and .....
friend .....
you as the moon shines
and accompany the dark of night ...

tirelessly friend
always there in times of joy and sorrow ..
thank you friends ....

By: Irmawati


In the darkness and silence of night
Love is like the moon that gives light
Darkness and silence until it passed without me knowing
Why does the time go faster begtu
And why did the figure of your body invisible again
In my days of joy ......
Now only memories alone
You've entered my heart and fill the space
Now you've gone too far out of my sight
Until the shadow did not seem like the waves swallow
Although the figure of your body invisible again
But you are still there and still fill the room my heart
At any given time I'll never forget you
Until .........
Both of these eyeball closed for good

By: Irmawati

The phrase Thousand Hearts

Thousand stars .......
not enough to express my love to you

A thousand songs .....
not adequately express how much I miss you

Thousand drizzle .......
not enough for me to think of you


A thousand words ..........
not enough to make me happy because hadirmu

since you are present in my life
you give another color in my life
brighter colors that never existed in the world

colors are more vibrant and more luminous
since you are present in my life
you fill my days with joy and sadness
you can me smile, laugh and even cry
and it's all because of you

I can not imagine
if one day you'll go out of my life
You would make my life a dark back
even maybe you'll make me die in darkness ...

By: Irmawati