Senin, 20 Mei 2013

HERE'S BENEFITS soursop fruit

Who does not know the fruit of this one? Soursop (Annona muricata) is a popular fruit in Indonesia. Soursop tree itself can grow anywhere either watery or with a little water. However soursop still require human assistance during the process of pollination in order to get maximum results.
This white-fleshed fruit, but known it tastes good, its benefits can not be underestimated. Soursop benefits one of which is able to kill cancer cells. Soursop itself contains some important contents such as calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B, and C. The contents of these, of course we all know how great the benefits of soursop fruit.
Soursop Treat Cancer?
There are several publications that support that soursop can help treat a variety of malignant diseases, including cancer. Following them.
1. In 1976, the National Cancer Institute conducted the first scientific research on the benefits of soursop fruit. The result they concluded that the stems and leaves of the soursop can help destroy malignant cells, including cancer cells.
2. Catholic University of South Korea conducted a study on the benefits of soursop and published by the Journal of Natural Products. They had found that the chemical compounds contained in soursop, effective for memnghancurkan colon cancer cells and is 10,000 times as chemotherapy drugs. Besides these chemical compounds known to be selective in choosing the target cells that do not harm healthy cells.
3. 20 laboratory tests as reported by the found that the content of soursop effective at killing cancer cells but does not damage healthy cells. Noted there are 12 types of cancer, including colon, lung, prostate, breast and pancreatic cancer, the cells can be killed by the content of soursop fruit. Besides the green-skinned fruit is also beneficial boost the immune system and prevent infections.
4. dr Hardhi, Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Medical Doctors Herbal (PDHMI), stating that the soursop contains compounds called polyphenols, saponins and bioflavonoids that act as antioxidants. Unlike the other herbs, soursop does not harm healthy cells, but only kills cells that destroy abnormal cells such as cancer.
5. American Indian tribes including the use of soursop leaves, stems, fruits, and seeds for mengobat various diseases such as heart disease, asthma, liver problems, and arthritis, for 'centuries'.
Research is still needed at least more about the benefits of soursop, soursop can completely replace whether chemotherapy treatment or not. In the end, prevention is better than cure. Yuk, avid consumption of soursop started today!


Many ways on a diet to lose weight. Examples such as sports linger, fitness, and even diet excessive stress can actually make more. But there is an easy and fun way koq to lose weight without stressful. Secret of weight loss is actually a good metabolism performance. Metabolism is the rate that the body's ability to burn food has been consumed. Researchers believe that a good metabolic equivalent results with various diet programs.
If you do not believe, please refer to the people around you that have a proportional body. Most people who have a proportionate body is seldom doing the diet. Good metabolism is the key to success is actually losing weight. Want to have a good metabolism? Here are some fun and easy ways to speed up the rate of metabolism in the body.

1. Laugh
Laughing 100 times but the result is equivalent to a 15-minute energy expenditure with cycling. Laughter is useful to reduce stress hormones and can improve one's metabolic system. It also affects the immune system repair / body immunity by increasing the antibody-producing T cells

2. A cold shower
Researchers say a cold shower can increase metabolism. Low water temperature can cause muscle contraction and body chills, so it can increase a person's metabolism.

Actually, the body will try to return to normal temperature at the time felt the lower temperatures. Then the body would warm up and activate the immune system, thus producing more white blood cells.

3. Eating pineapple
Fact contain substances pineapple bromelain. This substance has a direct function of the digestive system and can help the absorption of nutrients from food. Bromelain in the fruit also improves the function of pancreatic cells to break down food substances, so as to speed up the body's metabolism.

4. Drinking green tea
Studies show that catechin contained in green tea can help boost metabolism and reduce the level of body mass index. Green tea is useful for removing LDL (bad cholesterol).

5. Eating spices
Researchers say the chili can help the performance of the body's metabolism. Capsaicin produced by spicy foods one is able to oxidize fat layer. Spicy foods can also increase heart rate, producing more energy, so that the higher the calories burned.

5 tips above are useful for improving the body's metabolism. But keep in mind, exercise and eat nutritious food remains a critical factor levels of a person's weight. So, stay calm, and stay healthy!


"The liver injury"

why do I feel this again, love without love ...
I'm here standing on liver injury ...
This heart felt so sick ...
as if I could not stand in tuk blowing storm that hit the top of ...
so that the body feels fragile ...
Where will I take this pain??????
until finally I was able to heal and re-arrange my heart ...
let only time will tell ...
and let the wind carry dy gone forever ....

By: Irmawati


friends ....
you are like sunshine
the emergence menyemangatai selalau morning ..

friends ....
you like a cool breeze
The soothing heat of the desert ..

friends ....
you are like a thousand rintikkan rain falls to earth
and watered growing around it ..

and .....
friend .....
you as the moon shines
and accompany the dark of night ...

tirelessly friend
always there in times of joy and sorrow ..
thank you friends ....

By: Irmawati


In the darkness and silence of night
Love is like the moon that gives light
Darkness and silence until it passed without me knowing
Why does the time go faster begtu
And why did the figure of your body invisible again
In my days of joy ......
Now only memories alone
You've entered my heart and fill the space
Now you've gone too far out of my sight
Until the shadow did not seem like the waves swallow
Although the figure of your body invisible again
But you are still there and still fill the room my heart
At any given time I'll never forget you
Until .........
Both of these eyeball closed for good

By: Irmawati

The phrase Thousand Hearts

Thousand stars .......
not enough to express my love to you

A thousand songs .....
not adequately express how much I miss you

Thousand drizzle .......
not enough for me to think of you


A thousand words ..........
not enough to make me happy because hadirmu

since you are present in my life
you give another color in my life
brighter colors that never existed in the world

colors are more vibrant and more luminous
since you are present in my life
you fill my days with joy and sadness
you can me smile, laugh and even cry
and it's all because of you

I can not imagine
if one day you'll go out of my life
You would make my life a dark back
even maybe you'll make me die in darkness ...

By: Irmawati


My own silent night
the seconds elapsed time
but still my own
waiting lonely without a girlfriend

love ......
why did you go
I miss your warmth while fondling

love .....
why you would do this to me
what is my fault???

love .....
I really miss you
longing for love
and longing for the warmth of your embrace, love .....

By: Irmawati

Two Week Natural Disaster Occurs 111

SUMENEP-Earlier this year, Sumenep disaster-hit barrage. Especially, during high winds. Bermacammacam the disaster, from cyclones to marine accidents. The data collected from Jawa Pos Radar Madura Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Sumenep per January 14, the total at the beginning of 2013, 111 events had occurred.
The incident occurred on the islands and mainland, generally in the form of tornadoes. Sumenep BPBDs chief Mohammad Fadilah said, the disaster at the beginning of this year experienced a surge signifi cantly. Especially, when compared with the beginning of 2012 ago. "When compared to last year, this year there was a surge arguably exceptional," he said. Explained, in early 2012 and the incidence is only about 10 times. While this time in the hundreds, exactly 111 events. Fadilah said, it is closely related to extreme weather this year.
Still citing data in BPBDs, the disaster that happened to land in the District of Bluto, Saronggi, Lanteng, Talango, Kalianget, and District Ambunten. While in the islands occurred in four districts. Namely District Sapeken, Kangayan, Masalembu, and District Sapeken. Of a number of such cases, as many as seven people were confirmed dead and ten missing. For more victims died on the island dominated marine accidents Masalembu.
Kasi Disaster BPBDs Sumenep R Syaiful Arifi n added, the number of such events, 68 events losses of Rp 700 million. While, 43 the incidence of loss value is unknown. That's because the data is located in the archipelago and still not get into BPBDs. However, it is estimated that recapitulated all, due to catastrophic property loss earlier this year of Rp 1 billion more. "For now, given the basic food aid," said Syaiful met at his office yesterday. While the distribution of basic food aid to victims of the disaster in the archipelago until today has not been sent. "Information from the district, there is no ship Mas," added Syaiful yesterday.
In addition to groceries, BPBDs propose to the regents a rehab assistance for residents whose homes were destroyed. To determine how much assistance to be provided, BPBDs team is conducting the data collection. Paliat village youth leaders, District Sapeken, Lewis urged the government to give attention. Especially against the owner of the destroyed house in the village some time ago. Understandably, until today there has been no attention whatsoever. That's why, Lewis requested immediate aid to come when the weather is normal for a cruise. "For residents whose homes were destroyed also must be considered. Pity the people, "Lewis said. (Radar)


The USA consumes 400 million gallons of gasoline every day. This with the burgeoning demand from developing nations such as China for gas, has pushed gas prices to record highs, and having an all-pervasive and on-balance a damaging effect on the US economy.
Gas prices in the USA/Canada often vary significantly between gas stations and supermarket gas pumps. In many areas, gas prices can vary by 20-30 cents per gallon or maybe at times even more within a small area. This makes that most motorists in the USA/Canada are shopping around to find the best deals on gas, but are still paying a lot more for it.
High gas prices make people stop and think about their commute. This will affect the US economy by reducing value of properties in outer commuting zones around the cities, and depress rural property values.
Analysts were predicting a gallon of regular to climb as high as $4.50 a gallon in California by Easter 2011. But these same analysts are saying that if you think gasoline is expensive now, just wait until next year! A combination of growing global-demand and rising U.S. fuel exports could send gasoline prices to further record highs in 2012, analysts say.
The effects of such big cost hikes will reduce available spending money for all those on average wages and below who need to travel significant distances in their cars, and this will further depress the US economy when this cash gets diverted away from a myriad of local spending decisions affecting local businesses from restaurants to children’s shoe shops.
Cars now are more fuel-efficient than they were in the 90s, so car owners can reduce your spending on gas by choosing fuel efficient vehicles. This is making US car manufacturers and car importers develop and extend their low fuel vehicle ranges. But, US car manufacturers have been slower than others, such as the Japanese marques, to develop some of the most innovatory fuel efficient vehicles such as the hybrid engine vehicles. This will tend to raise car imports to the detriment of the US economy until the US manufacturers catch-up.
It is not all bad news though. Companies that own oilfield reserves will be seeing the value of their resources growing, and businesses that are connected with the renewable energy market are growing rapidly right across the range of renewable energy sources from wind, to thermal energy, and of course that most popular of renewable sources which is solar. Renewable energy companies are growing fast and employing increased numbers of staff.

Pengertian toefl dan contoh soal serta jawabannya

Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL is abbreviated English proficiency exam (American accent) are required to enroll into college (college) or university in the United States or other countries in the world. This exam is required for applicants whose native language or the speaker is not English. TOEFL exam is organized by the office of ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States for all test takers around the world.

TOEFL English language test types are generally required for college entrance requirements at most universities in the United States and Canada both for the undergraduate program (S-1) and graduate (S-2 or S-3). TOEFL test results are also used as a material consideration regarding English language proficiency of the students who apply to universities in other countries, including universities in Europe and Australia. In general, the TOEFL test is more oriented to American English, and a little different from the types of IELTS test-oriented to British English. Not like IELTS, TOEFL test is generally not have the individual part interview test.

The test usually takes about three hours and is organized into 4 parts, namely:

listening comprehension,
grammar structure and written expression,
reading comprehension, and passage

Since 1998, the TOEFL test is conducted online using a computer (Computer-based Testing / CBT), and since 2005 called the iBT (Internet-based Test). In places that have not been able to implement CBT or iBT (because there are no computer facilities and internet network), the TOEFL test is still conducted manually using paper and pencil (paper-based test or PBT). More information about the test CBT and paper-based TOEFL relating to registration, venue, cost, and test preparation materials can be found on the official website of TOEFL, (CBT version of the TOEFL exam results have value ranges from 0 to 300, while the value for the iBT is from 0 to 120)

Lately TOEFL test organizers also held a kind of test TWE (Test of Written English) is the result of a separate value TOEFL test scores. The test takes 30 minutes, and participants will be asked to write a short essay that describes the ability of participants to express and pour an idea or ideas, as well as supporting the idea that the examples contained in everyday life using English standard.
Another type of test that is TSEP TOEFL (Test of Spoken English Program) which is similar to the individual parts of the interview on the IELTS test. They are usually used when we want to register as a teaching assistant or lab assistant (as one way to offset the cost of tuition) in universias in the U.S. (or other countries). Form of tests conducted orally and lasts for approximately 20 minutes. Implementation time and the deadline for registration is the same as the other TOEFL test, and costs about $ 100.

1. The first recorded use of natural gas to light street lamps it was in the town of Frederick, New York, in
                       A                                     B                           C                         D
Answer : B (it was)
 The use of the pronoun subject it is unnecessary; it should be omitted.

2. The French Quarter is the most famous and the most old section of New Orleans.
                                       A              B                       C                             D
Answer : C (most old)
 The superlative form of a one-syllable adjective (old) is formed with the suffix -estoldest.

3. Liquids take the shape of any container which in they are placed.
                              A           B                     C                        D
Answer : C (which)
 in The preposition must precede the relative pronoun: in which.

4. Many communities are dependent on
groundwater __________ from wells for
their water supply.
(A) that obtained
(B) obtained
(C) is obtained
(D) obtain it
Answer : B (obtained)
 The only correct way to complete this sentence is with a participle (obtained really means which is obtained).

5. Physical therapists help patients relearn how to use their bodies after disease or injure.
                                                           A              B                         C                       D
Answer : D (injure)
 A noun (injury), not a verb (injure), is required.

6. Not only ____________________ places of
beauty, but they also serve scientific and
educational purposes as well.
(A) are botanical gardens
(B) botanical gardens to be
(C) botanical gardens are
(D) to be botanical gardens
Answer : A (are botanical gardens)
 A main verb, such as are, is required to complete the clause (to be is not a main verb), and the subject and verb must be inverted because the clause begins with the negative phrase not only.

7. _________________ the best car to buy is a Mercedes Benz.
(A) Because of its durability and economy
(B) Because it lasts a long time, and it is very economical
(C) Because of its durability and it is economical
(D) Because durably and economy wise it is better than all the others.
Answer : (A) because of its durability and economy
Grammar : Adverbial clause of Reason

8. Those students do not like to read novels _______________ text books.
(A) In any case
(B) Forgetting about
(C) Leaving out the questions
(D) Much less
Answer : (D) much less
Grammar : clause of contrast

9. Before starting on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, __, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.
(A) Sailing directions are studied
(B) Study the sailing directions
(C) To direct sailing studies
(D) Studies direct sailing
Answer : (B) Study the sailing studies
Grammar : Gerund

10. At the Seventh International Ballet Competitions, Fernando Bujones won the first gold medal ever _________ to a United States male dancer.
(A) To be awarded
(B) To awards
(C) That awards
(D) Should be awarding
Answer : (A) to be awarded
Grammar : infinitive

sumber : 

Revisi tugas ke 1 softskill "bahasa inggris bisnis 2"

EXERCISE A (Skills 1-2): Underline the subjects once and the verb twice. Circle the prepositional phrases that come before the verb. Then indicate if the sentence are right (R) or wrong (W)
2.      Each day practiced the piano for hours.
                  The sentence is worng

A sentence in English should at least has a subject and a verb. The sentence doesn’t have subject. The verb is practiced. So worng
It should be”each day  they practiced the piano for hours” or “each day we practiced the piano for hours”

EXERCISE B (Skills 1-2): Underline the subjects once and the verb twice. Circle the prepositional phrases that come before the verb. Then indicate if the sentence are right (R) or wrong (W)
1.      During the meeting (adverd) in the office (preposition) discussed (subject) the schedule (noun)
The answer             : worng
The reason              : no subject
      The correct answer : During the meeting (adverd) in the office (preposition) we                                   (subject) discussed (verb) the schedule (noun)

TOEFL EXERCISE ( Skills 1-2) : Choose the letter of the word of group of words that best completes the sentence.

5.   Between 1725 and 1750 (preposition) New England (subject) witnessed (verb) an increase in the specialization (preposition) of ___

                        A. Occupations
                        B. They Occupied
                        C. Occupies
                        D. It Occupied Them

The answer is A. Occupations